Laner Muchin attorneys have extensive experience in representing private and public sector employers in virtually every type of employment-related legal action. This includes litigation in state and federal courts as well as before local, state and federal agencies.
We also represent employers in employment-related claims they may bring against former employees and other companies - such as in non-compete litigation - as well as representing public sector clients in claims brought against labor unions. Our attorneys also have vast appellate experience in state and federal courts.
Regardless of the nature of the matter entrusted to us by our clients, our fundamental objective in every matter is to ascertain our clients' business goals and achieve them with a high degree of skill, efficiency and integrity. Sometimes that means obtaining a favorable verdict through trial. Other times, it means a cost-effective and rapid resolution of a claim before a legal action is ever filed.
Employment Practices Liability Insurance
Many of our clients have employment practices (EPLI) insurance policies that provide coverage for fees, damages and costs associated with the defense of a number of types of employment claims. The Firm has a long track record working with our clients and their respective carriers to successfully defend employment claims, and many of our attorneys have extensive experience working on such claims. Because of this, the leading EPLI providers have selected the Firm as panel counsel to defend claims brought against their insureds.
News & Resources
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- 08.17.2023
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- 01.09.2023
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- 08.29.2022
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- 04.07.2022
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- 04.16.2021
- 04.01.2021
- 12.02.2020
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- Chicago Daily Law Bulletin , 09.25.2020
- 09.24.2020
- Bloomberg Law, 09.15.2020
- 09.02.2020
- 08.24.2020
- 27th Edition of The Best Lawyers in America & Ones to Watch, 08.20.2020
- 08.12.2020
- 07.29.2020
- 07.01.2020
- 06.25.2020
- 06.24.2020
- 06.11.2020
- Chicago Tribune, 05.04.2020
- 05.01.2020
- Chambers & Partners , 04.24.2020
- XpertHR, 04.09.2020
- XpertHR , 04.03.2020
- Illinois Emerging Lawyers Magazine, 03.30.2020
- 03.18.2020
- WBBM Noon Business Hour, 03.11.2020
- 02.21.2020
- 01.30.2020
- 01.07.2020
- ChicagoSHRM Blog, 12.19.2019
- 12.12.2019
- 12.09.2019
- 11.22.2019
- 11.15.2019
- U.S. News and Best Lawyers, 11.01.2019
- 10.30.2019
- HR Dive, 10.11.2019
- 10.09.2019
- 10.04.2019
- 10.03.2019
- 09.26.2019
- 09.26.2019
- 09.25.2019
- 09.20.2019
- 09.20.2019
- 08.30.2019
- Best Lawyers in America, 08.15.2019
- Cook County Record, 08.01.2019
- 07.08.2019
- 06.28.2019
- 05.29.2019
- 05.23.2019
- 05.09.2019
- 05.03.2019
- 04.29.2019
- 03.22.2019
- Chicago Daily Law Bulletin , 03.18.2019
- 02.26.2019
- 02.15.2019
- 02.01.2019
- 01.26.2019
- 01.24.2019
- 12.17.2018
- 10.18.2018
- 10.17.2018
- Illinois Leading Lawyers Magazine, 08.28.2018
- Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, 07.12.2018
- 06.12.2018
- 05.17.2018
- 05.15.2018
- 04.24.2018
- 04.18.2018
- 04.10.2018
- 03.19.2018
- 01.01.2018
- Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, 08.15.2016
- Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, 01.29.2016
- 09.21.2015
- 09.21.2015
- 09.21.2015
- 09.21.2015
- 09.21.2015
- Chicago Law Bulletin, 05.05.2015
- Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, 01.01.2015
- Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, 01.01.2015
- Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, 01.01.2015
- Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, 01.01.2015
- Leading Lawyers Network, 01.19.2010
Fast Laner
- Patrick Morris , 04.29.2024
- Patrick Morris, 04.29.2024
- Francesca Giderof, 10.19.2023
- Peter Gillespie and Edward Shivers, 10.19.2023
- Andrea Rodriguez, 10.19.2023
- Antonio Caldarone, 06.22.2022
- Samantha Buddig, 05.18.2022
- Chad DeGroot, 05.18.2022
- Francesa Simoncelli, 05.18.2022
- Peter Gillespie, 01.26.2022
- Amber Lukowicz, 11.17.2021
- Elizabeth Rice, 11.17.2021
- 11.05.2021
- Samantha Buddig, 10.18.2021
- Alexandra McNicholas, 09.15.2021
- Darin Williams, 05.21.2021
- Darin Williams, 02.22.2021
- Darin Williams and Antonio Caldarone, 11.24.2020
- Elizabeth Rice, 11.24.2020
- 09.28.2020
- Chad DeGroot , 09.22.2020
- Antonio Caldarone, 09.22.2020
- Alexandra McNicholas, 09.21.2020
- Pete Gillespie, 09.18.2020
- Jennifer Naber, 09.17.2020
- Elizabeth Rice, 08.17.2020
- Elizabeth Rice, 08.12.2020
- Andrew Goldberg, David Moore & Chad DeGroot, 08.11.2020
- Susan Best , 08.11.2020
- Andrew Goldberg, 07.17.2020
- Peter Gillespie , 07.08.2020
- Priya Reddy & Jeremy Edelson, 07.06.2020
- Violet Clark, Jennifer Naber and William Wake , 06.22.2020
- Darin M. Williams, 06.17.2020
- Antonio Caldarone, 06.10.2020
- Antonio Caldarone, 06.09.2020
- Priya Reddy , 06.08.2020
- Heather Becker, 05.28.2020
- Andrew Goldberg, 05.28.2020
- David A. Moore, Andrew S. Goldberg, Chad R. DeGroot, 04.13.2020
- Heather Becker and Pete Gillespie, 04.09.2020
- Peter Gillespie, 04.05.2020
- Peter Gillespie, 04.05.2020
- Andrew Goldberg, David Moore, Antonio Caldarone, Heather Becker & Chad DeGroot, 04.02.2020
- Andrew Goldberg, David Moore & Chad DeGroot, 03.30.2020
- Darin Williams, 03.22.2020
- Antonio Caldarone & Wesley Covert, 03.22.2020
- Mark Bennett & William Wake , 03.22.2020
- Antonio Caldarone, 03.22.2020
- William Wake & Darin Williams, 03.20.2020
- Antonio Caldarone & Elizabeth Rice, 03.09.2020
- Peter Gillespie, 02.17.2020
- Darin Williams, 02.17.2020
- Priya Reddy , 11.14.2019
- Darin Williams, 11.12.2019
- Priya Reddy , 10.14.2019
- Jill O'Brien, 09.20.2019
- Kevin Frey, 09.16.2019
- Peter Gillespie, 08.15.2019
- Peter Gillespie and Alexandra McNicholas, 08.02.2019
- Matthew Kellam & Priya Reddy , 07.30.2019
- Pete Gillespie, 07.25.2019
- Darin Williams, 07.23.2019
- Darin Williams , 07.16.2019
- Pete Gillespie, 07.08.2019
- Wes Covert, 07.01.2019
- David Moore and Peter Gillespie, 06.05.2019
- Matthew Kellam and Priya Reddy , 06.03.2019
- Kevin Frey, 06.03.2019
- Darin Williams, 06.03.2019
- Peter Gillespie, 06.03.2019
- Pete Gillespie, 02.25.2019
- Antonio Caldarone , 02.20.2019
- Kevin Frey, 03.26.2018
- Matt Kellam, 03.01.2018
- Peter Gillespie, 02.23.2018
- Amber Cox, 02.22.2018
- Peter Gillespie, 12.28.2017
- Darin Williams, 11.30.2017
- Pete Gillespie, 11.27.2017
- Pete Gillespie, 11.22.2017
- Peter Gillespie, 11.13.2017
- Matthew Kellam, 11.01.2017
- Amber Cox, 10.30.2017
- Matthew Kellam, 09.13.2017
- Peter Gillespie, 09.13.2017
- Peter Gillespie, 08.22.2017
- Peter Gillespie, 06.23.2017
- Peter Gillespie, 01.30.2017
- Wesley Covert, 12.19.2016
- Peter Gillespie, 12.19.2016
- Peter Gillespie, 09.30.2016
- 09.12.2016
- Jeremy Edelson, 07.14.2016
- 06.03.2016
- 06.03.2016
- 06.03.2016
- Antonio Caldarone, 04.20.2016
- David Moore, 04.19.2016
- Jeremy Edelson, 03.29.2016
- Wesley Covert, 03.29.2016
- Antonio Caldarone, 03.29.2016
- Antonio Calarone, 10.05.2015
- David Moore, 10.05.2015
- 09.16.2015
- 08.05.2015
- David Moore, 07.01.2015
- Antonio Caldarone, 03.31.2015
- David Moore, 03.31.2015
- Antonio Caldarone, 02.17.2015
- 02.06.2015
Private and Public Sector Employment Litigation Practice
- Class Actions / EEOC Pattern and Practice
- Constitutional Litigation
- Discrimination, Retaliation and Harassment
- Employment Contract Disputes
- Employment Torts
- ERISA, Disability and Leave Laws
- Individual, Class and Collective Wage and Hour Actions
- Non-Compete / Trade Secrets
- Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA)